15 January 2009

I've been tagged by Sara at Flossie and Tom

I've been tagged today by Sara at Flossie and Tom, this is the first time for me. I've been really lazy lately reading everyone else's blogs, but not updating my own.

So this is what I have to do:-

1) Link to the person who tags you
2) Post the rules on your blog
3) Write 6 random things about yourself
4) Tag 6 people at the end of the post and link to them
5) Let each person know they have been tagged.

So here goes

Six Random things about me....

  1. My first car was a mini.
  2. Working part-time and looking after my son has been the best thing I've ever did. Both of us have benefited from the experience.

  3. I hate people who throw litter out of their cars.

  4. I absolutely love tea.

  5. My favourite sweets are jelly beans, jelly babies and pink skimps.

  6. I hate spiders, can't stand them.

Tag Six People and link to them:-

Gillian of I Heart Crafts

Jennifer of Buddy Designs

Fiona of Gingham and Flowers

Andrea of Andrea Fay's

Steph of Curlew Country

Sara of Norternbelles Crafts

Tagging Rules

1) Link to the person who tags you

2) Post the rules on your blog

3) Write 5 random things about yourself

4) Tag 4 people at the end of the post and link to them

5) Let each person know they have been tagged.


Unknown said...

Thank you for the Tag....I will get around to doing it this week-end I promise!! x

Gillian said...

Hi thanks for your lovely comment - and the tag! Will have to think about my six random things tonight!

Flossie and Tom said...

Gosh I love those sweets and haribo and pink and white mushrooms and fizzy and non fizzy cola bottles !!

Thats prob why I'll need dentures by the time I'm 40
