07 December 2008

To grout or not to grout, that is the big question?

Before grouting.

After grouting, before being washed over.

My hubby has done a decent job, and over the last few months has managed to tile the porch, hall, kitchen, utility and loo in floor tiles. He has worked hard, and the deal was that I would grout and get it all finish off before Christmas. Christmas is almost here and I am now frantically trying to finish the job, I have been putting off for so long. I hate it, but now i've actually started it I am getting into the swing and determined to finish at least the hallway. We are hoping to move the sideboard over from the living room, back into the hall where it belongs before putting up the tree in it's place.
Oh well must get on, "time waits for no man (women)". Keep you posted on process.

1 comment:

Flossie and Tom said...

Thanks for following my blog - love your crafting.

Think the It's A Girl heart if my fave.

Well done for the grouting - horrible job !
